It's been awhile! It's been a very busy few weeks with some great trips! Instead of talking about it, we're just going to upload as many pictures as will fit... you'll see the story progress through those.
Mexico City with a side trip to the Pyramids of Teotihuacan
And Mom came along! (After a very dramatic almost missed the flight for a number of reasons commute)

Pyramid of the Moon

Pyramid of the Sun

Me atop the Pyramid of the Sun.. though barely visible..

Temple of Queztalcoatl (Teotihuacan god, that's a relief of him on the right)

Pulque! Fermented juice... it was different.
And on to Santiago, Chile!
All-nighter flight both ways was a bit tough, but worth it.

A very interesting fort/museum/chapel located in the middle of the city. We never did find out exactly what it was...

But it offered a fantastic view!

La Virgen
Huge statue sitting atop a smaller mountain, you can see her from most anywhere in the city below.

The ride down the mountain
Then a quick trip to Springfield, MA which very luckily is close enough to Worcester for Jon to come rescue me from the hotel!

Springfield's City Hall Bell Tower

Dinner at The Student Prince German Restaurant: Schnitzel and sausage. Could it get any better?

Dinner with Baron at Tamarind Seed.. and then Gladys Knight Chicken & Waffles.. and then diet for a week.. :) So worth it! But really, why do anything that isn't worth doing?

Happy Birthday! Love you long time!
And back in Birmingham for another birthday fiesta

Martín, silly-stringed at midnight by only the best. And then cake.. that might have tasted like silly string.. but still better than the pulque.