Friday, June 26, 2009

Brick Wall

Emily is miserably sick.

With the flu.

My 'culture' was sent off to the CDC office to see what strain of flu I have... We'll know in a few days hopefully! I've hit a brick wall with this one, and I was running way too fast to hit something so hard.

In the mean time, this is giving me time to update everything! I've been working lots lots lots (maybe those 2 all-nighters in the same week weakened my immune defenses? I'm going to say yes).

First on the list Lima, Peru!

We walked down to the coast line.

It's currently winter in the southern hemisphere, apparently that doesn't matter when you're that close to the equator. It was cloudy, around 65 degrees, but very pleasant after 105 degrees in the South.

My selections of Ceviche - the national dish of Peru. Fish cured in lime juice. It's one of those foods that I love, but can't eat much of (it starts to taste funny) But how often do you get to eat Ceviche in Peru!

Then on to Guadalajara, Mexico!
Left Atlanta at 9pm, fly to LA, then to Guadalajara arriving at 6:30am. Rough night.
After a dead-to-the-world nap, the crew met up to go shopping!

Calle Juarez, the shopping district

Cuttin' up some coconut.
He was using a machete earlier.

Snack time! Coconut pulp sprinkled with sugar and lime juice. $1.

Ahogada de camarĂ³n

A time out for the food as usual. Ahogada (meaning drowned in Spanish) is the typical dish of Guadalajara. Toasted bread filled with your choice of meat, then drowned (hence the name) in Mexican red chili sauce. Served with a spoon. No fork.

Llamas need no caption.

I watched Garden State while being confined to the bed. Forgot how much I liked that story.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Parrots, Pretzels, and Pangs

Usually I work about 3 days a week on average (85-90 hours).. this month I'm working 5-6 days/week (115 hours. It's kind of craziness, but I'm makin' that moneys. Hopefully it'll be worth it. :)

Another Stuttgart trip! I like Germany.

This guy was so fun. As he played, his parrot would hum, chirp, squawk, whistle and bob along with him.

Other than that it was pretzels, German truffles, walking street, and beautiful weather.

I'm still quite spooked about the whole Air France disappearance (BBC keeps an event timeline, if interested). The whole thing seems a bit hushed-up. I have my own theories about it which I whole-heartedly believe. I now feel a quick jolt of anxiety every time I walk on a plane - not fear that the same thing is going to happen to me.. I can't explain the pang, really.

And Thanks for the messages of love, too. They mean more than it would seem. :)

The bad thing about working so much.. I've lost my ever-grounded inner peace and I can't seem to take enough time to just stop, focus, and reground myself. The real problem is that I know exactly where I lost it, but I don't want to travel back there to regain it. That means I'm building from scratch and it's taking all of my energy to do it.
I apologize for the vagueness. I think the last part is more for myself than for the blog. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time Flies

"If the plane goes down, damn
I'll remember where the love was found"

I don't know how many out there have heard of/are following this Air France story? (Read about it on BBC). A large Air France plane leaves Rio de Janeiro bound for Paris. Somewhere over the ocean it hits a huge thunderstorm and dissappears from radar. Some pieces of the destroyed plane have been found (across 56 miles of ocean), but nothing to give a hint about the crash nor survivors. No bodies. They just vanished. And there was never a crash landing so they speculate that the plane broke apart completely while still in the air. That's just not normal for a large jet, even in a thunderstorm. Alien abduction, anyone?

Edit a couple hours later: the debris they found was not actually from the Air France Airbus that vanished.

Needless to say this is.. I can't even define how it makes me feel. But if you hang out with me this week, you might get a "how much you mean to me" speech. Or, at least I'm thinking it.. very loudly.

On a less tragic note, I've been thinking a lot this week about Time. Is it linear or does it move in a circular pattern? I've read two very interesting books lately arguing for the latter.
Are we here for just a short second, or are we able to come back again in spirit, beginning another circle? And if Time does repeat itself, are we able to hold on to the Wisdom and experience we previously gained (even if it's latent knowledge)? I do hope so. Humans are creatures of habit, generally, following circular patterns throughout our lifetimes. Even if your habit is something as erratic as traveling, never with set schedule, never with a plan.. you stay in that pattern (and once you're used to it you can never go back!). So if circles define our individual lives, it's only plausible that the Universal whole of all our lives also operates in circles.
Another thought (thanks to Beth for discussing this one!): with every circle that we traverse, do we join in the evolutionary scheme? Are we getting more advanced with each lifetime that we spend? And I don't mean more advanced as in technology or things that we build, I mean more with our inner energies and intellect. If the human race was made in the likeness of God, could we be evolving to be more like Him? And if God is simply the sum of all the positive energy flowing in the Universe, will we connect better with spirituality and Nature in the future? I hope so on this one, too.

The few people who do follow this, you mean the world to me and I love you.
I love you I love you I love you.