With the flu.

My 'culture' was sent off to the CDC office to see what strain of flu I have... We'll know in a few days hopefully! I've hit a brick wall with this one, and I was running way too fast to hit something so hard.
In the mean time, this is giving me time to update everything! I've been working lots lots lots (maybe those 2 all-nighters in the same week weakened my immune defenses? I'm going to say yes).
First on the list Lima, Peru!
We walked down to the coast line.
It's currently winter in the southern hemisphere, apparently that doesn't matter when you're that close to the equator. It was cloudy, around 65 degrees, but very pleasant after 105 degrees in the South.
My selections of Ceviche - the national dish of Peru. Fish cured in lime juice. It's one of those foods that I love, but can't eat much of (it starts to taste funny) But how often do you get to eat Ceviche in Peru!
Then on to Guadalajara, Mexico!
Left Atlanta at 9pm, fly to LA, then to Guadalajara arriving at 6:30am. Rough night.
After a dead-to-the-world nap, the crew met up to go shopping!
Calle Juarez, the shopping district
Cuttin' up some coconut.
He was using a machete earlier.
Snack time! Coconut pulp sprinkled with sugar and lime juice. $1.

Ahogada de camarĂ³n
A time out for the food as usual. Ahogada (meaning drowned in Spanish) is the typical dish of Guadalajara. Toasted bread filled with your choice of meat, then drowned (hence the name) in Mexican red chili sauce. Served with a spoon. No fork.
Llamas need no caption.

I watched Garden State while being confined to the bed. Forgot how much I liked that story.