German food, French wine, and the Italian lifestyle.. push 'em all together, and the sensational outcome is Switzerland. My karma points must be running pretty high: I got 2 days in Zurich, Switzerland!

Downtown Zurich

More downtown

About half the crew, dinner at Raclette Stube!

Of course the food!
The fondue at this place was out of this world amazing! The fondue cheese was half Raclette and half Gruyère. Then pears, pineapples, sweet onions, pickles, and a mountain of bread for dipping. Something is wrong if you leave hungry...
The following day a few of us took the train down to Luzern, a smaller city south of Zurich.

The old water tower of Luzern, apparently one of the most photographed spots in Switzerland.
Also near Luzern is Mount Pilatus, one of the smaller pre-Alps mountains. Head up to the top via the steepest Cog Wheel track in the world? Yes, please!

Cog Wheel Car

The view around 5000ft

The top had a few cave/tunnels you could walk through. Very Lonely Mountain, just waiting for Smaug around every corner!

We spent at least 3 and half minutes debating how anyone got to this little church. We never came to any conclusive decision...

And the view from 7000ft!

The wonderful girls who took me around the city :)
Verdict: Zurich is definitely in my top 3 favorite places, behind The Netherlands and Capetown. Also I've added a bulletin to my bucket list: have a safety deposit box at a Swiss bank. Why, yes, I
am an international spy.