Friday, December 11, 2009

All Work and a little Play

Work work work. Airlines at the Holidays = even busier than usual! Unfortunately this also means less-fun trips, at least for blog purposes.

A layover in Georgetown, Washington DC

A house where Robert E Lee stayed during the War

Then a great layover in Charleston! A good friend from UGA lives there so we got to catch up!

Andrew and Cori - Mexican food, movies, friends, and homemade gourmet slices of cake at Kaminsky's (um, Heaven). What more could you ask for?!

Then trip to London-town with Miss Jeanne Danielle!

Harrod's, complete with Christmas decorations!

Pies! I love pies.

The big Harrod's Bear!

A Christmas Market was set up in Hyde Park with games, rides, vendors, great food, and

mulled wine!