The following day we all got a bit stir-crazy so we decided to brave the outdoors and walk through the park to the Zocalo.
Just a scene during the walk. I love cities where the historic is dispersed throughout the modern.
The markets were not as crowded as usual (this side was just desolate), but it was still a great time!
The menagerie of puff-ball animals. This guy was talented! I got myself a burro. He cost ~10¢.

Annie and me with our Mamey. If I had to describe it... star fruit gelato with sprinkles of Heaven-clouds? Yes, that's how it would taste.

[Propz to Annie for getting this great shot!]
Everyone kept themselves protected.

After walking at least 4 miles, we were hungry. This guy's street-food booth smelled delicious, and was nice and cheap. I got a Torta Cubana. I feel the need to explain this wonderous dish to you now. Spanish chorizo is thrown on the grill. Then some cheese. And mix this up with a fried egg.. let it simmer. Meanwhile heat up a pulled pork and pineapple melée. Then throw it ALL onto a sandwich garnished with avocado, tomato, onion, and Mexican hot sauce. That's what I do these trips for. It was a cathartic meal. Though, only spiritually...
Mom and I with our contraband street food!

Another shot of the Alameda Park market, just to show that people were out and about.
The ruins of Templo Mayor, complete with napolitos (the cactus plant has a special meaning). Basically, the center of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, which Mexico City is built on and around. Definitely worth reading up on, if you're interested!

The Zocalo in its usual manner. It is the second largest square (behind Russia's Red Square) in the world.
The huge square was filled with medical tents. This was the first time the day actually felt offbeat. Mexico City had a great response to the flu breakout: they have been one step ahead the entire time. This day they were handing out water, masks, information packets, and possibly more all for free. Kudos, Mexican govt.
YAAAAYYYY SUSAN!!! YAAAYYYY MEXICO!!!! YAAYYY FOOD! I'm so glad you got a chance to go outdoors. It really would've sucked to be in a place like that and not get to travel around a bit. I do understand the safety hazards though, not to mention the deathly swine flu.